1. General Information Regarding These Terms of Use.

General Information Regarding These Terms of Use.

The Terms of Use for our websites located at URL https://seamossdeals.com and all subsidiary pages (collectively “Site”) under such sites are expressly incorporated into this Agreement by this reference.

ONLINE STORE. This Agreement covers the terms of our sale and your purchase of Products through our online shop located at https://seamossdeals.com (a website owned by Earthbal, LLC).

Collectively, the Terms: The Master Terms, together with any Additional Terms, form a binding legal agreement between you and Creative Commons in relation to your use of the Services. Collectively, this legal agreement is referred to below as the “Terms.”

2. Your Agreement to the Terms.

BY CLICKING “I ACCEPT” OR OTHERWISE ACCESSING OR USING ANY OF THE SERVICES (INCLUDING THE LICENSES, PUBLIC DOMAIN TOOLS, AND CHOOSERS), YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ, UNDERSTOOD, AND AGREED TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS. By clicking “I ACCEPT” or otherwise accessing or using any Services you also represent that you have the legal authority to accept the Terms on behalf of yourself and any party you represent in connection with your use of any Services. If you do not agree to the Terms, you are not authorized to use any Services. If you are an individual who is entering into these Terms on behalf of an entity, you represent and warrant that you have the power to bind that entity, and you hereby agree on that entity’s behalf to be bound by these Terms, with the terms “you,” and “your” applying to you, that entity, and other users accessing the Services on behalf of that entity.

Human-readable summary of Sec 2: Please read these terms and only use our sites and services if you agree to them.

3. Changes to the Terms.

From time to time, Earthbal may change, remove, or add to the Terms, and reserves the right to do so in its discretion. In that case, we will post updated Terms and indicate the date of revision. All new and/or revised Terms take effect immediately and apply to your use of the Services from that date on. Your continued use of any Services after new and/or revised Terms are effective indicates that you have read, understood, and agreed to those Terms.

Human-readable summary of Sec 3: These terms may change. When the changes are important, we will put a notice on the website. If you continue to use the sites after the changes are made, you agree to the changes.

4. No Legal Or Medical Advice.

Earthbal is not a law firm or medial center, does not provide legal or medical advice, and is not a substitute for a physician. hese statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The blog or information found on our website or products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult your doctor before taking any of our products.

Human-readable summary of Sec 4: Some of us are lawyers, but we aren’t your lawyer. Please consult your own attorney if you need legal advice.

5. Content Available through the Services.

Human-readable summary of Sec 5: We try our best to have useful information on our sites, but we cannot promise that everything is accurate or appropriate for your situation. If you find content through a link on our websites, be sure to check the license terms before using it.

6. Prohibited Conduct.

You agree not to engage in any of the following activities:

Violating laws and rights
Harming others:
Impersonation or unauthorized access

Human-readable summary of Sec 8: Play nice. Be yourself. Don’t break the law or be disruptive.

Product Warranty

Earthbal hereby represents and warrants (the “Limited Warranty”) that the Products shall conform to their applicable food label, and be fit for human consumption for the applicable shelf lift for each particular Product (as applicable, the “Warranty Period”). EARTHBAL HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES REGARDING THE PRODUCTS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NONINFRINGEMENT.

Risk of Loss

All Products are shipped EXW and you shall bear the risk of loss upon our delivery of the Products to the common carrier at our shipping location. Any claims for loss, shortage or damage to the Products arising following our delivery to the common carrier should be submitted to the common carrier.


In the event a dispute arises regarding this Agreement or the use of the Online Shop or any Products purchased therein, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs incurred, in addition to damages and any other relief to which it is entitled. You agree that regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim or cause of action arising out of or related to use of the Online Shop, or to this Agreement or to the Products must be filed within one (1) year after such claim or cause of action arose or be forever barred. A printed version of this Agreement and of any notice given in electronic form will be admissible in judicial or administrative proceedings based upon or relating to this agreement to the same extent and subject to the same conditions as other business documents and records originally generated and maintained in printed form. You may not assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of Earthbal, but Earthbal may assign or transfer this Agreement, in whole or in part, without restriction. The section titles in this Agreement are for convenience only and have no legal or contractual effect. Notices to you may be made via either email or regular mail. Earthbal may also provide notices to you of changes to this Agreement or other matters by displaying notices or links to notices generally on the Website. This Agreement, including the Terms of Use, constitutes the entire agreement between you and Earthbal regarding the subject matter hereof.